Day 1 Depart
Depart Boston Airport for overnight flight to Dubrovnik via Dublin.
Day 2 Opening Meeting
On arrival, you will be met by our guides who will direct you towards your coach ready to start our transfer to
this most Blessed village, Medjugorje. The guide on the transfer will inform us of what we can expect during our
time here as we view the splendid scenery on route. As we drive into Medjugorje, with the steeple of St. James
Church first greeting us, we will arrive at our hotel. With all rooms allotted on the bus, we are first introduced
to our host family, and we can then rest in our rooms before being called for a light snack, or dinner, which will
be served depending on the time of arrival. Each evening, we will attend the parish evening program. It begins
with the rosary followed by Holy Mass and depending on the day, we finish with adoration.
Day 3 Blue Cross
We start our day with breakfast before attending 10:00am mass, which is intended for English-speaking
pilgrims, in the Church of St. James. The Church of St. James is placed under patronage of St. James the Apostle,
who is patron saint of pilgrims. We do not move very far and usually meet at the shrine of Our Lady of Peace for
our opening meeting where the guides will share with us the history of the place, introduce us to the shrine and
take us through the week, and through their words and experiences enlighten us to the messages and
intentions of Our Lady. We break for lunch where restaurants are in abundance and boast some of the best
steaks and pizza. The afternoon takes us to Blue Cross, a place of many apparitions of Our Lady. It is situated at
the base of Apparition Hill where Our Lady appeared to the children and where they were hiding from the
communist police at the beginning of the apparitions. Many pilgrims venture here to bask in the peace that
emanates from this special area. From Blue Cross, we walk to Vickas old house. Vicka is one of the six
Medjugorje visionaries and we visit her old family house to see and to pray in the room where she had
apparitions over a long period. After dinner, we can attend the evening prayer program.
Day 4 Hill of Apparitions
This morning after breakfast, we gather at the statue of Our Lady to walk through the vineyards, to the Hill of
Apparitions (Podbrdo). This has been the traditional route taken by millions of pilgrims. The guides regale us
with accounts of the first days of the apparitions, especially the first seven days, and tell us of the great spiritual
journey the visionaries undertook. We simply climb, in prayer, to the site of the first apparition, the place
where Our Lady first appeared to six frightened children in June of 1981.The Joyful Mysteries greet us at several
points of our climb where we pray for a short time.
Day 5 Church of the Divine
Today we have the opportunity to meet with one of the visionaries (depending on their availability) for a talk on
the messages. Our Lady of Peace leaves us messages on the 25th day of each month through the visionary,
Mirjana. Through these messages we are called upon to attend holy Mass, to fast, to read the bible, to attend
confession and to pray the holy rosary. Our Lady maintains that we will receive many graces by praying the
Rosary. In the afternoon, we have an optional trip to visit the Church of the Divine in Surmanci one of five
villages belonging to Medjugorje parish, only a 15-minute drive from Medjugorje village. This is a very popular
place with pilgrims as a miraculous healing took place before icon of the Divine Mercy, which is now exposed in
the chapel. We also have opportunity to venerate relics of St Faustina and St John Paul II.
Day 6 Cross Mountain
Our day begins with breakfast, and we then meet at the base of Cross Mountain (Krizevac) to start our ascent.
We pray the Stations of the Cross as we make our way to the summit. Our journey is rewarded by taking time
for reflection and prayer by the cross located at the top of the mountain. We make our descent in time for holy
Mass. In the afternoon, following our climb, we will have some free time.
Day 7 Talk with Medjugorje Priest
Today we gather to hear from one of the priests. With Medjugorje as their base, they can shed light on issues
we may be struggling with such as confession or sacrifice. In the afternoon there is an optional tour to
Cenacolo, which is a community for recovering drug addicts. There is a special lesson to be learned from the
residents here, by their hard work, perseverance, and prayer. After dinner, we attend the evening program.
Day 8 Mothers Village
We meet as a group to join in the closing meeting on the church grounds. David and the guides conclude the
week with prayer and a short follow up on the week. We finish the program with a visit to the Mothers Village.
This is an orphanage founded by the late Fr. Slavko for children whose parents had died during the war. Now
its a home for orphaned children or children who come from dysfunctional and broken families. This village is a
visible fruit of Medugorje. After dinner, we can participate in the evening program.
Day 9 Depart
Our guide will collect us at Hotel Wojtyla for our transfer to the airport for our return flight.